Hoch Consulting provides high-quality turnkey services to both public and private sector clients.
Pure Water Oceanside
Market: Water/Wastewater/Water Resuse
Client: City of Oceanside
Hoch Consulting is providing QC/QA services as a part of project management for the Pure Water Oceanside Project, a $76 million indirect potable reuse (IPR) groundwater augmentation project. The project design consists of an advanced water purification facility (AWPF), pump station, upper San Luis Rey Water Service Area Pump Station, blending facilities, and the Pure Water conveyance system, backwash system, and injection wells. Pure Water Oceanside will allow the City of Oceanside to increase the sustainable yield of the Mission Groundwater Basin and help reduce its reliance on imported water sources. Hoch Consulting is proud to play an important role in this innovative project.
SLR Maintenance Building Project
Market: Development
Client: City of Oceanside
Hoch Consulting staff acted as the Owner’s Project Manager for Oceanside’s San Luis Rey Water Reclamation Facility buildout project. Work included:
- Construction of a 19,644 sq. ft. building including foundation, building erection and complete mechanical, electrical, plumbing and finish systems.
- Construction of all site and parking improvements including site clearing, grading, underground utilities, paving and stormwater treatment measures.
- Improvements to the existing maintenance building including selective demolition, framing, complete mechanical, electrical, plumbing and finish systems.
El Portal
Market: Transportation
Client: City of Encinitas
Hoch Consulting provided project management services to the City of Encinitas for an active transportation project worth $10.1 million. Our team identified funding opportunities through the Caltrans Active Transportation Program, Cycle 2, and successfully secured $4.69 million in federal funding to design and construct the project.
Grant-related duties included preparation of grant applications, coordination with Caltrans to accept funding, allocation requests (E-76 preparation), quarterly invoicing, reporting, baseline data collection, post-project data collection, and project close-out.
Catch Basin Optimization Program Phase II
Market: Stormwater
Client: City of San Diego
Hoch Consulting provided various services to support a pilot study for GIS-based inspection and data collection. These services included platform review, demonstration and recommendation, and support in compiling and maintaining the program’s comprehensive database. We developed a work plan that defined the study parameters including equipment needs and costs, identification of the study area, implementation logistics, and evaluation criteria. In addition, we developed inspection and data collection procedures and templates and provided staff training on these procedures. We also provided contract management services and prepared a technical memorandum to evaluate the findings of the pilot study.
Grant Administration
Market: Various
Client: San Diego County Water Authority
Hoch Consulting provides ongoing project management services and grant administration support for over $8 million in grant-funded projects. We identify and analyze grant funding opportunities before making pursuit recommendations. Additional duties include contract processing, quarterly reporting, invoicing, and coordination with Water Authority staff and local project partners. Project management tasks include budget and schedule tracking, generation of project update and project completion reports, and timely submission of all grant-related documents. Duties also include the preparation of state and federal grant applications and amendments in accordance with agency standards.